Why Adobe for Education?

5 Benefits of Digital Literacy

1. Digital literacy boosts student engagement.

When students use powerful creative tools like Adobe Creative Cloud for their assignments and projects, they engage more deeply with the content, which helps them better understand information and communicate their knowledge in visually and digitally compelling ways. At the same time, faculty with digital skills can also make their course materials more visually compelling to drive student engagement.


2. Digital literacy improves academic performance.

When students use Creative Cloud tools to create presentations, infographics, podcasts, videos, or ePortfolios for their assignments, they understand it more deeply and retain it longer. This enables them to communicate their ideas, discoveries, and arguments in more innovative ways—often exceeding expectations in classes across all disciplines.


3. Developing digital literacy builds essential soft skills.

In doing the work of becoming digitally literate, students have to think critically, solve problems creatively, and collaborate effectively. In other words, they gain the essential skills they’ll need to succeed in the jobs of the future—jobs that are less likely to be impacted by automation technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning.

“Digital literacy is the currency of employment today. There are a lot of things you can do in college to give you a good foundation, but solid digital skills and being confident in a digital world are what will help students get their first job out of college.” - COREY STOKES, Digital Learning Officer University of Utah


4. Digital literacy helps students stand out from their competition in the job market.

Students who are proficient with digital tools like Creative Cloud can more easily differentiate themselves during the job application process. They can create media-rich resumes and showcase their personal brands with ePorfolios of their student work. They can walk into interviews prepared to show examples of the digital communication skills companies expect, and they can demonstrate their ability to learn and apply new technology skills. Perhaps most importantly, they can prove that they’ve developed the creative mindset employers crave.


5. Digital literacy makes your school more competitive.

Today’s digital natives are content creators, not just content consumers. By providing Creative Cloud to students across majors and disciplines—not just art and design majors— you can differentiate your institution, ensure that students are digitally literate, and recruit new students more successfully.


With affordable educational pricing options, you can put Creative Cloud tools at your students’ fingertips and build their digital literacy skills— whether they’re in class, at home, or on the go.


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