Card Ninja Smartphone Wallet - Neon Sport

Sale price$18


Put a couple cards, a license and some cash in it, and you're ready to head to lunch, run some errands, or hit the gym.
  • Combine your wallet and Android®, iPhone® or Blackberry®.
  • Holds credit/debit cards, drivers license, student ID, some cash, and more.
  • It’s secure. Items won’t fall out (even if you flip it over.)
  • Perfect for men, women, and even kids. 
  • Great for the gym, shopping, bars, and everyday use
  • Attaches easily, just like a sticker.
  • Removable.
  • Extremely slim.
  • Holds your valuables securely.
  • Flexible enough to hold one card or up to 8! Cash too!
  • No more need for a bulky wallet or purse.

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